Seems most people have had a time in their life when they experienced anxiety. Anxiety is a natural response that happens in the body.
The big issue is when Anxiety takes over your life!
When anxiety floods you with real physiological symptoms ...
Racing heart
Sweaty palms
Sick to the stomach
Racing thoughts
And the list goes on and on!
Anxiety can keep you hidden, doubting your abilities, doubting your skills, overwhelming you and stopping you from feeling confident and sharing your magic and going after your dreams.
Anxiety can keep you trapped in a world of questioning and overthinking every little decision and believing if you just get things perfect then all will be okay.
Reality is, trying to be perfect only perpetuates anxiety and procrastination kicks in and keeps you stuck up in your head!
So even though you’re outfit looks amazing, you’re makeup looks flawless and your body looks amazing when you walk out the door of a morning, no one has any idea of how sick you feel in your stomach with nerves and anxiety.
Anyone that experiences ongoing anxiety knows that on the outside everything looks fine.
But on the inside you are one hot little mess!
One of the ways people often manage anxiety is to medicate or self medicate, with little or no relief. The cycle of anxiety stopping you from really being bold, brave and courageous in life and business.
To help you understand ANXIETY ….
ANXIETY is a process of the mind. It is the body remembering and presents as physical, mental and emotional responses.
Anxiety is all connected to unresolved emotional experiences that you have repressed in your body usually from childhood.
Predominantly anxiety is separation anxiety and experiences that made us feel unsafe in childhood. At times when we were unable to voice our fears or worries, so we internalised our fears.
And it’s our subconscious mind that stores all our fears and emotional experiences from the time of birth.
So how do you move forward?
You’ve got to understand the mind & body connection. A very simple way of explain how your mind works is ... Your Subconscious Mind is the FEELING MIND. And your Conscious Mind is your THINKING MIND.
So if you want to feel confident in the world and clear anxiety you’ve got to work with the Subconscious Mind and your Body to create safety. Working only with the conscious mind, just doesn't clear the emotional and energetic blocks your body has been holding onto. That's why often people engage in CBT, cognitive Behavioural Therapy to change their thoughts, but still struggle with anxiety, because they're only connecting with the conscious mind.
Freedom from ANXIETY ….
Anyone that says you can't resolve anxiety this is just not true. When you work with your subconscious mind and nervous system you can clear your world of anxiety rapidly
The work I facilitate will help you release the hold anxiety has on you. The powerful and transformational HeartHealing sessions I do with women that are ready and committed to let go of the anxiety transform their life, relationships and business happiness and success.
Connect if you’re a women that wants to experience true fredom from anxiety and let’s transform your inner world to embody more inner peace and confidence.