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3 month 1:1 Transformational Immersion 

This is for you if you are women in business or an entrepreneur that is wanting to let go of hustling in business and achieve more success in life, relationships and business! 

You already have had a level of success in business, but you know something is blocking you from experiencing achieving more wealth and success with more ease and flow!!


What every women really wants and needs is to love and believe in herself, and feel so worthy and deserving to receive more!

When you finally awaken and embody the Empowered Woman within, you feel a deep inner confidence and self-belief where you are able to receive more love, wealth, abundance, happiness, and success in all areas of your life!

In this unique signature 12 week immersion we get to the root cause and limiting beliefs that are blocking you from having more with ease! More love, wealth, happiness and success.

The familiar patterns of stress, hustling, over working, over-giving, people pleasing and being worried about what others will think, shutting down emotionally, being easily triggered, and always pushing and doing more, will be no longer part of your life when you complete this immersion. 

Hidden limiting beliefs and a negative and tough critical inner voice keeps you in a loop of hustling, feeling like an imposter, frustrated, overwhelmed, stressed, and believing sacrifice is required to succeed, so you keep pushing yourself. Watch out burnout may be on your doorstep. Alcohol maybe your go to, to alleviate and suppress the rising stress. And you know something has got to change before you actually do burnout. 

I know because I was once there, and didn't realise that the voice in my head and the unhealed parts of me were the cause of living a life of chronic stress, hustling and not feeling worthy of more happiness and success with more ease. 

You're stuck in the never ending cycle of believing if you just work harder things will shift. What's really going on is it's your old beliefs over-riding just how amazing and capable you are! And you're living life out in your masculine energy of doing and need more balance with feminine energy of being and receiving. 

You know it's time to change and keep wishing it will get easier, but nothing seems to work... you've done the mindset work, implemented new strategies and embraced all the self-love tips, tried yoga, meditation, even hired a coach, but nothing has shifted much, so stress and overwhelm is a constant companion. Living life in a state of chronic stress will just keep you fighting for success!

"Since doing the EMPOWERED WOMAN program I am showing up easily online and am so much more relaxed and my business is having the best months I've ever had! I trust in my ability and now feel comfortable sharing my expertise! I never imagined I would ever experience this much transformation in a such a short time!"

When you let go of old beliefs and heal and align your masculine and feminine energies you let go of constant stress, people pleasing, over-giving, feeling scared of what others will think, you align to your authentic self the powerful empowered woman within and start trusting that you can have it all - more money, happiness, wealth, confidence and more success with more ease!

Here are the things you will experience and reclaim throughout this program:

>> Release the old beliefs that are keeping you stuck

>> Feel confident to just be yourself

>> Rewire your mind with empowering beliefs

>> Show up feeling worthy & deserving of more 

>> Stop second guessing and doubting yourself

>> Fall in love with you, you mind, body and soul

>> Heal old emotional wounds

>> Feel more empowered than ever before

>> Ignite your intuitive guidance within

>> Allow emotions to become your GPS

>> Speak your truth more openly

>> Stop hiding and playing small

>> Start showing up authentically on social media

>> Embrace more self-love, self-worth and confidence

>> Gain skills & strategies to navigate life with ease

>> Step back from people pleasing and over-giving

>> Let go of perfectionism & procrastination

>> Release hidden blocks and self sabotage patterns

>> Upgrade and establish new healthy boundaries

>> Take more time out to relax and unwind 

>> Enjoy more restful sleep

>> Relationships improve, especially the one with you!

>> Confidence to make decisions more easily 

>> Trust yourself and trust everything is working out

>> Increase your capacity to receive in all areas of life

This program will change your life and give you results beyond any coaching or therapies you may of tried, as it incorporates a revolutionary integrative quantum healing approach of HeartHealing® which combines scientific, spiritual and energetic principles for deep and profound shifts, along with my 1:1 support the entire immersion.

"I feel like a flower that is blooming and living in an alternative reality"

Imagine listening to your heart, instead of your head, this is connecting to your empowered woman within that confidently knows her next right step. 

Throughout the program and ongoing you will upgrade confidence, self love, self-belief, self-worth to finally trust yourself and trust that you are so worthy of more .... and create it with way more ease!

You'll start saying no to others and yes to you, as you begin to start living life with a new relaxed ease and flow with new energy and new opportunities showing up, as you ignite your inner confidence and begin to receive more love, happiness, money and success with ease!

This is the changes one client experienced:

She went from over-giving, self-doubt, constant stress, not feeling confident, never being able to say no to clients, feeing like she never felt good enough amongst her industry peers and was constantly working and trying to control the outcomes. 

After the 12 week immersion, she is living in a new state of ease and flow. She is taking time off during her day, no longer feeling the need to over-give to clients and is not fearing saying no. She is embracing her feelings for the very first time and listening to her intuition and making decisions from the wisdom that is dropping in. 

She is no longer drinking, which she never believed she could give up and now enjoys non alcoholic champagne in her outdoor bath in the late afternoons, instead of working into the night. Her intuition is on fire and guides her in her business success. Yes she's let go of the hustle and embraced her empowered woman within to receive  with more ease and flow. Her business is booming, her relationship is thriving and new opportunities are constantly showing up, because she is finally saying yes to her. 

This is the most profound and deep transformational work you may ever embrace, so let me help you say goodbye to stress and overwhelm and hello to aligned confidence, ease and flow and so much more!

Say GOODBYE to Hustle and Doubting 

yourself and .... 

HELLO to self-belief, self-love & unwavering 

Confidence ... and of course more success!!

When we work together ....

The EMPOWERED WOMAN WITHIN 1:1 12 week Immersion includes a commitment from me to help you experience phenomenal breakthroughs and create lasting change for happiness and success in life, relationships and business. 

I am with you every step of the way to support your transformation for you to release stress and overwhelm and skyrocket your confidence, self-belief and unconditional self-love. This program will help you to rapidly let go of old ways of being that are holding you back as we witness together you creating amazing changes in your life, relationships and business!


  • 1 hr Consultation Call to start the process of change & new habits

  • 4 x 1 hr HeartHealing® subconscious healing sessions 

  • 4 x Personalised recordings to listen to for the program

  • Email & text support thoughout the program to support changes

  • 4 x 1 hr coaching calls to embody and integrate new changes

  • 6 x 10 minute Lazer coaching sessions

  • 1 Playbook to create balance, new habits and commitments


  • Be 100% committed to your transformation

  • Listen to your recording daily for the program

  • Complete take away tasks from coaching calls

  • Commit to sessions

So if you're ready to let go of stress, hustle, self doubt, self-sabotage and overwhelm and ignite and sky rocket your success and confidence and create lasting change to receive more with ease ....

Click link below to book a free chat to find out more about this transformational program that will create change you never imagined possible!

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